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Buried Cities, Volume 1 Pompeii   By: (1875-1921)

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Buried Cities, Volume 1 Pompeii by Jennie Hall offers readers a captivating and insightful journey into the ancient city of Pompeii. As a historical account, this book serves as a bridge connecting us to the past, vividly recounting the tragic events surrounding the city's destruction by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

Hall's writing style is engaging, providing a wealth of information blended seamlessly with captivating storytelling. She navigates the vast amount of historical data surrounding Pompeii with remarkable clarity, making it accessible to readers of various backgrounds. One can easily immerse oneself in the narratives of ordinary citizens and influential figures, gaining a comprehensive understanding of Pompeii's society, customs, and daily life.

What sets Buried Cities, Volume 1 Pompeii apart is Hall's attention to detail. The meticulous descriptions allow readers to visualize the forgotten streets, houses, temples, and even the vibrant characters who once thrived in this bustling city. Hall paints a vivid portrait of the ancient world, exploring the intricate social structures, mosaics, frescoes, and public buildings that characterized Pompeii.

Moreover, Hall's meticulous research shines through in her descriptions of the eruption itself. From the initial tremors to the catastrophic eruption that blanketed Pompeii in ash and pumice, she recreates the terrifying experience witnessed by its inhabitants. This portrayal evokes a sense of empathy and realism, enabling readers to grasp the true extent of the tragedy that unfolded centuries ago.

While the focus of the book is on Pompeii, Hall also provides a broader context, explaining the historical significance of the city within the greater Roman Empire. This broadens our understanding of the era, connecting the events in Pompeii with the wider political and cultural dynamics of the time.

Nevertheless, one minor drawback of the book is its occasional repetition of certain details, which may be noticeable to more attentive readers. Yet, it does not detract significantly from the overall quality of the content, as the narrative remains captivating throughout.

In conclusion, Buried Cities, Volume 1 Pompeii is a remarkable piece of historical literature that unravels the mysteries of an ancient city frozen in time. Jennie Hall's meticulous research, engaging storytelling, and vivid descriptions offer an immersive experience, transporting readers to a world long lost. This book stands as a testament to the enduring fascination with Pompeii, making it a must-read for history enthusiasts and anyone eager to uncover the forgotten treasures of the past.

First Page:





Author of "Four Old Greeks," Etc. Instructor in History and English in the Francis W. Parker School, Chicago

With Many Drawings and Photographs From Original Sources

The publishers are grateful to the estate of Miss Jennie Hall and to her many friends for assistance in planning the publication of this book. Especial thanks are due to Miss Nell C. Curtis of the Lincoln School, New York City, for helping to finish Miss Hall's work of choosing the pictures, and to Miss Irene I. Cleaves of the Francis Parker School, Chicago, who wrote the captions. It was Miss Katharine Taylor, now of the Shady Hill School, Cambridge, who brought these stories to our attention.


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