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Sketches by Seymour   By: (1800-1836)

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Sketches by Seymour is a remarkable collection of illustrations and satirical humor that takes readers on a whimsical journey through nineteenth-century England. Created by the talented artist Robert Seymour, this book offers a unique insight into the social and cultural landscape of the time.

Through the pages of Sketches by Seymour, readers are transported into a world where wit, sarcasm, and clever observations prevail. Seymour's ability to capture the essence of different characters and situations is truly outstanding. Whether it's a bumbling politician, a mischievous street urchin, or a pompous aristocrat, his illustrations are bursting with life and personality.

The humor within this book transcends time, as many of the societal quirks and absurdities depicted by Seymour are still relatable today. His sharp eye for detail and his ability to pinpoint the follies and foibles of the era create a compelling narrative that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.

One of the standout features of Sketches by Seymour is the artist's exceptional talent for caricature. Each drawing demonstrates his keen observation skills and his ability to emphasize and exaggerate distinctive traits. Seymour's anatomical accuracy allows the characters to come alive on the page, and his attention to detail adds depth and a sense of authenticity to the satirical narratives.

Moreover, Seymour's illustrations are accompanied by witty captions and humorous anecdotes, which further enhance the overall reading experience. These snippets of text provide context and deepen the satirical portrayal, reinforcing Seymour's ability to convey complex ideas through his art.

While the book primarily focuses on the comical aspects of everyday life, it also offers glimpses into the pressing social issues of the time. Seymour fearlessly tackles topics such as poverty, inequality, and the hypocrisy of the ruling classes. His ability to blend humor with social commentary makes Sketches by Seymour a multi-layered work that invites readers to reflect on the deeper issues at hand.

The original publication of Sketches by Seymour in the 1830s gained immense popularity, with readers eagerly anticipating each new installment. As the precursor to the iconic "Pickwick Papers" created in collaboration with Charles Dickens, this collection highlights Seymour's significant role in influencing the subsequent literary and artistic landscape.

In conclusion, Sketches by Seymour is a captivating and visually stunning book that showcases Robert Seymour's immense talent as an artist and satirist. Through his intricate and humorous illustrations, he offers readers a delightful window into the world of nineteenth-century England. This book remains an enduring testament to Seymour's skill and his lasting impact on the world of art and literature.

First Page:




"Sketches by Seymour" was published in various versions about 1836. The copy used for this PG edition has no date and was published by Thomas Fry, London. Some of the 90 plates note only Seymour's name, many are inscribed "Engravings by H. Wallis from sketches by Seymour." The printed book appears to be a compilation of five smaller volumes. From the confused chapter titles the reader may well suspect the printer mixed up the order of the chapters. The complete book in this digital edition is split into five smaller volumes the individual volumes are of more manageable size than the 7mb complete version.

The importance of this collection is in the engravings. The text is often mundane, is full of conundrums and puns popular in the early 1800's and is mercifully short. No author is given credit for the text though the section titled, "The Autobiography of Andrew Mullins" may give us at least his pen name.



EVERYDAY SCENES. SCENE I. Sleeping Fisherman. SCENE II. A lark early in the morning. SCENE III. The rapid march of Intellect! SCENE IV. Sally, I told my missus vot you said. SCENE V. How does it fit behind? SCENE VI... Continue reading book >>

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