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Verdi : The Story of the Little Boy who Loved the Hand Organ   By:

Verdi : The Story of the Little Boy who Loved the Hand Organ by Thomas Tapper

Thomas Tapper’s Verdi: The Story of the Little Boy who Loved the Hand Organ is a heartwarming tale that takes readers back to a time where joy could be found in the simple melodies of hand organs and the streets of an Italian village filled with lively characters. Through this enchanting story, Tapper invites readers into the world of young Verdi, a curious and talented boy who discovers his passion for music.

One of the most striking aspects of this book is Tapper’s vivid and descriptive storytelling. The vibrant language and detailed imagery bring the village of Busseto to life, immersing readers in its sights, sounds, and scents. The author’s ability to paint such a captivating backdrop serves as a strong foundation for Verdi’s journey, captivating readers from the very first page.

Verdi himself is a relatable and endearing character. As readers witness his love for music blossom, they cannot help but become invested in his success. Verdi’s determination to become a skilled organ player, despite the obstacles he faces, is inspiring and serves as a valuable lesson about the pursuit of one's dreams.

Tapper also introduces a cast of engaging supporting characters throughout the story. From the wise old Antonio to the mischievous Scarpino, each character brings a unique flavor and personality to the narrative. Their interactions with Verdi add depth to his journey, as they provide both guidance and challenges that allow him to grow as a musician and as an individual.

In addition to its engaging storyline and well-developed characters, the book also presents its readers with an opportunity to learn more about the world of music. Tapper seamlessly integrates musical terms and concepts into the narrative, offering readers a chance to explore the art form alongside Verdi. This educational aspect of the book is enriching and adds a layer of depth to the story, making it an ideal read for both young music enthusiasts and those looking to broaden their knowledge.

Overall, Verdi: The Story of the Little Boy who Loved the Hand Organ is a captivating tale that celebrates the power of music and the indomitable spirit of a young boy. Tapper’s lyrical prose and well-crafted characters make for an enjoyable and educational reading experience. Whether you have a love for music or simply enjoy a heartwarming story, this book is a delightful choice.

First Page:




Philadelphia Theodore Presser Co. 1712 Chestnut Street


Directions for Binding

Enclosed in this envelope is the cord and the needle with which to bind this book. Start in from the outside as shown on the diagram here. Pass the needle and thread through the center of the book, leaving an end extend outside, then through to the outside, about 2 inches from the center; then from the outside to inside 2 inches from the center at the other end of the book, bringing the thread finally again through the center, and tie the two ends in a knot, one each side of the cord on the outside.

THEO. PRESSER CO., Pub's., Phila., Pa.


This book is one of a series known as THE CHILD'S OWN BOOK OF THE GREAT MUSICIANS, written by Thomas Tapper, author of "Pictures from the Lives of the Great Composers for Children," "Music Talks with Children," "First Studies in Music Biography," and others... Continue reading book >>

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