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A House to Let

A House to Let by Charles Dickens
By: (1812-1870)

"A House to Let" by Charles Dickens is a captivating collection of stories that follows the lives of various characters connected by the rental of a mysterious house. Each tale is engrossing and filled with vivid descriptions that transport the reader back to Victorian England. The characters are well-developed and each story offers a unique perspective on life, love, and human nature. Overall, this book is a delightful read that showcases Dickens' storytelling prowess and ability to craft engaging narratives. Fans of classic literature will not be disappointed by this charming collection.

Book Description:

A House to Let is a novella originally published in 1858 in the Christmas edition of Dickens’ Household Words magazine. Each of the contributors wrote a chapter (stories within a story, and in the case of Adelaide Anne Procter, as a story in verse) and the whole was edited by Dickens.

The plot concerns an elderly woman, Sophonisba, who notices signs of life in a supposedly empty dilapidated house (the eponymous “House to Let”) opposite her own, and employs the efforts of an elderly admirer, Jabez Jarber, and her servant, Trottle, to discover what is happening within.

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Reviews (Rated: 5 Stars - 3 reviews)

Reviewer: - May 22, 2016
the tear-inducing parts (thankfully leavened here and there with humor) are worth it, to arrive at a beautiful ending. Ruth is astounding with her narration and accents!
Reviewer: - September 21, 2014
Subject: a house to let
A delightful tale told by a delightful story teller in Ruth Golding
Reviewer: - January 21, 2013
Interesting book and very well read by Ruth Golding.

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